Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Long time...No Post

Well, lets see, I haven't posted since November, ah well. So, My training went well, had an awesome time with my buddy, we had a blast. The holiday season was crazy, but good, we got to go out to my folks for a couple days over Christmas and it was a great time. I got to see my grandma, that was great and while a little sad, at least I got to see her again. My folks came to see us in the new year, did some work on the house, discovered massive holes in our sewage stack, replaced the whole thing, and have painted the dinning room.

Work, well work is crazy, yeah busy is part of it, at the end of December we found out our boss was moving out to St. John's to open a new store for the company, so we are looking for a new boss, but the company doesn't want to do that until we have a new reginal manager in place...which is was working on since November, but still hasn't completed at this point, plus there are going to be two other stores needing new bosses at the same time as us, so what was supposed to be all wrapped up by this point in time, is now dragging on, and I doubt we'll have a new boss before April.

So what can be learned from all this? I don't know really but I'm loving life, even if I've been cranky of late, and things are going well.


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